Runners typically have weak gluteus medius muscles, more technically referred to as ‘weak bums’, which often cause further issues down the chain. Clams are a great glute activation exercise.
Keep hips stacked one on top of the other and remember to engage abdominals the entire time.
1) Clam Pt 1
Side lying, heels are in line with the gluteals making sure the hip flexion is only at 45 degrees. Knees flexed to 90 degrees.
Abduct the top leg. At peak height, your positioning resembles an open clamshell. Feet remain in contact throughout arc.
2) Clam Pt 2
Side lying in the same position but this time starting the exercise from the highest point of abduction opening the clamshell further.
3) Clam Pt 3
Same position as the starting point of Pt 2 but simply holding your leg in a flexed manor remembering to engage abdominal muscles throughout.
4) Abductor Lifts
Lift top leg 12 inches from bottom leg, lower top leg down. Don’t let legs touch. Top foot is exed the entire time.
5) Abductor Taps
Using the same technique as the abductor lifts tap either side of your torso, front and back.
6) Clockwise Circles
Make a large clockwise circle with top leg. Leg reaches long with pointed toe. Don’t let top leg touch down. Keep it lifted at least an inch from the bottom leg.
7) Anti-clockwise Circles
Make a large ant-clockwise circle with top leg. Leg reaches long with pointed toe. Don’t let top leg touch down. Keep it lifted at least an inch from the bottom leg.
Start with 5 reps for each exercise. Do each rep slowly and controlled moving continuously from one exercise to the next without resting. Progress up to a maximum of 30secs and consider adding small ankle weights or resistance bands for further strengthening.