Although fast becoming a cliché, it’s amazing how many runners still make the same mistake in worrying about the uncontrollables.
The weather, sessions missed, competitiors to name just a few are all things that can influence the outcome, but they cannot be controlled. So why waste valuable energy worrying about them?
By letting your mind wander to irrelevant, negative or uncontrollable factors, it distracts us from what we can control.
Instead focus on your effort, ensuring you give it everything you’ve got under the circumstances. Don’t throw the towel in during a difficult patch. Avoid having regrets post race; sometimes your best effort will be enough. But as long as you’ve tried your hardest that’s all you can ask.
Focus on your own pace and not worry about what your competitors are doing. You don’t know what journey they’re on and you can’t control their performance so why waste energy and effort fretting about them?
Make sure you are positive, kind, appreciative and respectful. Take a warrior mentality into every training session and race.
Having read about Team Sky I developed my own pre race routine. This was something I could control and used effectively to eliminate any last minute stress and worry. I kept it very simple but wrote a detailed time line from the time I wake, to eating and drinking along the way, factoring in any travel time, what time I need to start jogging before a race, perform my drills, be on the start line and putting on my racing shoes. If in doubt I’d take a quick look at the notes on my phone and look at where I needed to be at what time.
Your performance is directly impacted by your food and hydration choices as well as the amount of rest and seep you get. Where possible plan ahead, if you’re not sure you’ll be able to get porridge at your race hotel take a porridge pot with you so you just need to add hot water. You might not be able to control the sleep the evening before the race so instead focus on sleeping well the whole week leading into a race.
Lastly be confident. If you line up on the start line with confident body language and remain that way under pressure situations, it will send a clear and powerful message to your teammates, your coach, and your opponents!